Archive: All Homebuilder pages

Dave Thompsons new perspectives

Dave Thompsons new perspectives

Experiments with the factory standard Inspiration rebreather. In these days no backmounted or detachable counterlungs were available. Now these are standard options on the Inspiration rebreather-line

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Oxydrant Exive for Euronaut

Oxydrant Exive for Euronaut

The Oxydrant has a multifunction layout and can be configured as Oxygen rebreather, Constant Mass Flow Semi closed rebreather, as Self mixing rebreather, as KISS style rebreather and even as Electronically controlled closed circuit rebreather.

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Black Water Nymph

Black Water Nymph

Uwe designed and built his own CMF (Constant Mass Flow) rebreather. He used parts from East German and Russian rebreathers.

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Steve Z Paige Biopak 45

Steve Z Paige Biopak 45

Steve Z Paige build several rebreathers from factory models adding his own parts. This page shows Biomarine Biopak 45 and combined systems with Oxylon, IDA and Lar parts.

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Steve Paige Scarab

Steve Paige Scarab

Steve build his Scarab rebreather by combining the RG/UF-M and NSN 4240 so French and German design combined.

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Uri Baran Head Up Display

Uri Baran Head Up Display

Uri build himself a head up display for the inspiration rebreather. This was around 2004 before HUD’s are available from the factory

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Uwe IDA-71

Uwe IDA-71

Uwe from Dresden Germany has converted an IDA71 into an oxygen rebreather for dives up to 7 meters.

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Homebuilder Models

Homebuilder Models

This page provides an overview of different types of homebuild rebreathers to help you find a specific type more quickly.

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