by Jan Willem Bech | Vademecum
This page explains why the pressure increases underwater and how to calculate it This page is meant for non-divers who are reading a first time about underwater sports. The pages in the vademecum provide information about very well known theory to advanced rebreather...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Homebuild Rebreather
Accessories HBRA, Homebuilders
This article written by Avery Louie gives a lot of inside information about testing the galvanic sensors used in rebreathers The Science Sr. doing what it does best In the last post I alluded to a larger pressure pot- the Science Sr. This was totally based off of...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Constant Injection Oxygen Rebreather CIOR, Homebuilders
Avery build a smart oxygenrebreather. He explains in detail: Holding onto the rock of great buoyancy, in the Atlantic After feeling a bit like a snail in a shell in my last rebreather, I decided I wanted to make something a lot smaller and more ergonomic. Hence the...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual Operated Oxygen Rebreather MOOR, Homebuilders
Averie Louie oxygen rebreather prototype Avery Louie send me information about his diving projects. He worte some very interesting articles about building rebreathers and a pressure pot. Search for Aylo for his adventures. His website can be found here:...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Homebuilders
Frank build his mCCR Dolphin and improved it during three years! I have builded myDolphin mCCR in about 3 Years and now i think its finished! This Unit has the Name “Dark Side Dolphin” Release 4.5 I dive this Unit in the German Lakes and in...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Passive Addition Oxygen Rebreather PAOR, Homebuilders
John build his own LAR rebreather using parts from RG/UFM and homebuild parts. Intermezzo: John built a rebreather with passive addition. This means that oxygen is added when the counter lung becomes empty. LAR stands for Lungen Automatic Rebreather, which means lung...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Constant Injection Oxygen Rebreather CIOR, Homebuilders
James Harvey adapted a Fenzy escape rebreather model NSN4240 How a small 1984 Fency rebreather can be rebuild to a nice oxygen rebreather Dear Janwillem, Here are some pictures of my adapted Fenzy escape rebreather. It is a 1984 NSN4240 and I acquired it without its...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual Operated Oxygen Rebreather MOOR, Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Homebuilders
Simone Puzzolo from Italy build a good and cheap working oxygen rebreather using a ordinary bagpack! The oxygen rebreather (A.R.O) has been constructed with a waterproof bag that only cost a few Euro’s, a piece of hydraulic hose...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Passive Addition Oxygen Rebreather PAOR, Homebuilders
A passive addition oxygen rebreather from Australia A small explanation for those readers who are still unfamiliar with the passive addition system. Most oxygen rebreathers use a constant mass valve or a manually operated system. However, Mike’s rebreather is...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual Operated Oxygen Rebreather MOOR, Homebuilders
Teoman build his T1 oxygenrebreather Here is the T1, The T1 started of as the designed for an all purpose rebreather but then as the project started to take too long it was dived as an O2 rebreather with over the shoulder CL’s. It was something that I...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Passive Addition Oxygen Rebreather PAOR, Homebuilders
Convert a Ray and Dolphin to a LAR VI oxygen rebreather Magnus Birkefeld build his LAR VI look-a-like from various parts and rebreathers. The final unit is a masterpiece and well worth to be shown here in the homebuilder section. I asked Magnus to write me his...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Constant Injection Oxygen Rebreather CIOR, Homebuilders
Jorge build a constant mass injection oxygen rebreather with manual bypass The scrubber is in the counter lung, which is contained in a PVC bag that holds the oxygen bottle with the regulator. The counter lung is made of welded transparent PE. Both bag and counter...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
Tomas Stas from Poland build all parts for his MCCR Tomos sent me pictures of his self-built rebreather. The use of everyday parts and bringing them together into a manually operated electronic rebreather is a true piece of art! While studying the pictures some...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual Operated Oxygen Rebreather MOOR, Homebuilders
Paolo build himself a very nice simple low cost oxygen rebreather Paolo lives in Trieste and made a visit to me last summer in 2008, talking about Pirelli’s and homebuilt units. After his visit he send me several emails and even Pirelli spare parts for my collection!...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
Mike Wescombe-Down build a very nice closed circuit manual operated Dräger RAY rebreather! Mike Wescombe-Down build a very nice closed circuit manual operated …………………….RAY rebreather! Mike send me his very nice...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
Mike Eitel build this complete rebreather. Please enjoy the design steps of the Swiss MeCCRV2. Michael is a person who build his own CNC drill, his own CD label printer and did many other inventions. Of course he then start building rebreathers. After the MeCCR...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
Homebuild MCCR rebreather by Erik Ballast My name is Erik Ballast from The Netherlands. I rebuild a Dräger Dolphin rebreather as a manually controlled closed circuit rebreather. I have been looking and searching on the internet for a long time before building this...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
Read all about Kristiaan Slootmaeker Black Dolphin with Armadillo sidemounts Kristiaan Slootmaekers dived his Dräger Dolphin rebreather a long time before he decided to rebuild his unit radically. Now he dives the black Dolphin as manual controlled closed circuit...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
A 50 year old navy cold water rebreather as MCCR! This is my “Teknosofen Norge III” based on the well proven (50 years old) Dräger Norge II. The modifications include splitting of the gas supply, right is O2, left is diluent. Modification of the...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Homebuild Rebreather
Accessories HBRA, Homebuilders
Here are pictures form the Cis Lunar scrubber layout Johan Duits from the Netherlands sent me these pictures from the Cis Lunar Scrubber. Just some information to show the quality of the parts of the MK-series rebreathers made by Cis Lunar! We are close to the...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Constant Injection Oxygen Rebreather CIOR, Homebuilders
Alexey build a CMF oxygen rebreather (CIOR) from the Russian IDA 71U. He also converted the IDA72V and published on this website earlier Below was my brand new conversion of IDA-71U into O2 CMF+bypass rebreather. Recently i bought an IDA-71U for such a low cost that...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
Stan Henning build his own MCCR and calls it HR-2. His build was published earlier here. Now Stan upgraded his scrubber. This page describes his progress on his rebreather build. Hi JW, I call my new unit the HR2….. I made it from pvc like the last one but...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual Operated Oxygen Rebreather MOOR, Homebuilders
Dan Dunfee build a nice new rebreather. He used the former East German RG-UF/M as a donor. He made a beautiful design that could be used for your future homebuilt project! The small East German tank rebreather is a nice unit that can easily be found since large...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Homebuilders
Michel Biesmans send me pictures about his manual controlled rebreather “Le Joky”. Michel sent me pictures of his Manual controlled Closed Circuit rebreather. On the pictures you can also see a sidemount rebreather with a special loop worn on one side,...