by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX ITA
Bergomi Societa Anonima Milano Bergomi was born in Milan on 3 July 1906, and the production activity is thus confined to the deed of incorporation: “Metal foundries and constructions, fireman’s equipment, installations for flammable liquids”. The...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
Bergbau-gerät 1923 with breathing operated oxygen addition Inflation and economic crisis force the Dräger Company to close its plant and lay off all its workers. After the end of the war(1914-1918), the market for Dräger products shrinks; the Company is forced to turn...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
Development of the Dräger lungenkraft dossiergeräte During the First World War, the first breathing apparatuses with breath-controlled dosage were designed and used. Examples of these early types are the HSS gerat (link) and Selbstretter Dräger Tübben (link). In other...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
Inhabad Gastauchgerät modell 1923 The Inhabad Gastaucher is a breathing apparatus designed by Professor Woltersdorf. Woltersdorf, a professor at the Breslau University of Applied Sciences (12-08-1875 – ?), was the ‘bergassessor’ of the...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
1920 Dräger Lungenautomatisches Überdruckgerät, versuchgerät In 1920 the period in which mainly injector systems were used came to an end. More and more manufacturers were producing lung-controlled systems that injected the gas dose via the counter lung. The picture...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual operated Closed Circuit Systems MCCR, Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Homebuilders
Frank build his mCCR Dolphin and improved it during three years! I have builded myDolphin mCCR in about 3 Years and now i think its finished! This Unit has the Name “Dark Side Dolphin” Release 4.5 I dive this Unit in the German Lakes and in...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Manual Operated Oxygen Rebreather MOOR, Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Homebuilders
Simone Puzzolo from Italy build a good and cheap working oxygen rebreather using a ordinary bagpack! The oxygen rebreather (A.R.O) has been constructed with a waterproof bag that only cost a few Euro’s, a piece of hydraulic hose...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
1919 SS-1, 1920 SS-2 en het 1921 SS-gerät In 1921, Dräger developed one of the first Seitenschlauchgeräte, a device in which the hoses run under one arm to the back of the wearer. A positional injector was also introduced. A pressure gauge on the wearer’s side...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
The next pictures show the rare Draegerolith, a liquid oxygen rebreather from...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Constant Injection Oxygen Rebreather CIOR, Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Homebuilders
Bill build an oxygenrebreather with pendulum breathing Bill recently sent me pictures of his self-built Pendulum rebreather. This is an automatic type with a so called “auto oxygen addition”. As you can see there is a small scrubber with sofnolime, and the...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
Dräger 1919 und 1920 Versuchgeräte Shortly after the First World War Drager built a some test devices. After searching in many books and archives it has not been possible to identify this device. If you know which devices these pictures show I would like to hear from...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
Oxygen rebreather designed shortly after the 1st World War HAKI 320 It took me a long time to understand the relation between N&K, Hagenuk and a instrument and communication building company from Kiel.Hagenuk is short for the german Hanseatische...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
This page shows the 1916 designed Drägerogen, produced in 1918, relaced by model 1916/1926 and model 1928 Drägerogen model 1916. Designing the first of Dräger’s device with chemically bound oxygen based on sodium and potassium peroxides. After the 1916 model it...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Electronic Controlled Closed Circuit Rebreathers ECCR, Database Oxygen Rebreathers
Stefan build his own CCR model Oxydrant later called Exive The Oxydrant is part of a bigger project called Euronaut. Carsten, Frank, Stefan, Ingo and Andre are building there own private submarine. They planned a 16 meter submarine to be able to dive up to 250 meters...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
A very early quick release In 1914 Charles Christiansen from Gelsenkirchen applied for a patent on his invention to equip rescue systems intended to escape from submarines with a quick release device. The purpose of this device is to be able to throw off the...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
1910 Dräger Tauchretter DM1 In 1910 there was a terrible accident in which 27 French soldiers drowned in their submarine.This incident shocked Europe and prompted Dräger to design a lifesaver. With this rescue device,the first Tauchretter was born, followed by a...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
1913 Dräger Dänische Tauchretter D2 ManufacturerDräger made this rebreather for submarine escapes in 1913-1914 especially for the Danish Navy.GassystemThis rebreather runs on oxygen only and uses a constant mass flow system addidng 1,25 ltr/min.ScrubberThe unique...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
1913 Dräger Tauchretter DM2 During the years after 1910, Dräger further developed the Tauchretter DM1 into the model DM2 that was ready in 1913 (1914?). The injector system was replaced by a constant mass flow system. Picture thanks to David Dekker netherlands The gas...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
1913-1918 Dräger Selbstretter Tübben Mass Produced Pendulum Rebreather On this page you will be introduced to the first mass-produced oxygen rebreather. The Dräger Selbstretter Tübben was developed in 1913 through a collaboration between Dr. Bernhard Dräger and Dr....
by Jan Willem Bech | Database OX GER
Dräger Heeres Sauerstoff Schutzgerät or HSS gerät 1916 This successor to the Draeger Tübben Selbstretter was a significantly more modern system. You will see from the operation that this is a lung controlled rebreather. With 7.5 kilos it is a technically high quality...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
This article was first published in April 2006 | last revision june-2019| author Jan Willem Bech First rebreather designed in 1853 in Belgium by professor T. Schwann This article could only be made with the help of Michael Jung, Paul Geilenkirchen, Rob Bakker, Jens...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database OX GER
The first breathing apparatus build by Dräger used against poisonous gasses was build in 1901 together with the Giersberg company. For this unit an injector designed by Bernard Dräger was used. This injector made breathing easier. The injector was not undisputed,...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database Oxygen Rebreathers, Database OX GER
In 1901 Bernhard Draeger and Ludwig Michaelis patented the first Draeger Rauchgas Schutz Gerät (Smoke protection Apparatus) and patented it in both Germany and England.Ludwig Michaelis was the director of the Sauerstoff-Fabrik Berlin.The unit was a modified...
by Jan Willem Bech | Database OX GER
Erich Giersberg, commander of the fire brigade Berlin, assignor to ‘Sauerstoff-Fabrik Berlin Gmbh’, developped a breathing apparatus in 1899. The unit was a very early unit consisting of a counterlung worn on the breath with a split counterlung. Oxygen was...