1912 Westfalia Tauchretter

1912 Westfalia Tauchretter

In 1912 Westfalia build their first Lifesaving Jacket Tauchretter. Maschinenfabrik  Westfalia  AG (Aktien-Gesellschaft) was formaly tradingunder Armaturen en Maschinenfabrik Westfalia.The company was merged with Sauerstoff Fabrik Berlin in 1905....
1907 Draeger Pulmotor

1907 Draeger Pulmotor

Although the Pulmotor is not a rebreather, the Pulmotor was a very important apparatus used in the mining industry. It contributed greatly to the development of breathing apparatus in general. Resuscitators began in 1907 when Johann Heinrich Dräger, owner of the...