1922 Giuseppe Gabanna

Return to 1922 in timeline The following article was written by Giancarlo Bartoli and Faustolo Rambelli, president of The Historical Diving Society Italia 1994-2020. It is my pleasure that Giancarlo, Faustolo and HDSI have given me permission to translate the...


Discovered by Daniël Rutherford and at the same time by Carl WIlhelm Scheele nitrogen is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. Scheele made his discovery independently, but simultaneously with the English clergyman and scientist Joseph Priestley. However,...

1934 Connelly Iron Mike

Return to 1934 in timeline 1934 Connelly Iron Mike, the History of Iron Mike by Steve Garza PatentOcean City DaysMonday, August 20, 2012Tracking Down Iron Mike Sam McDowell with Iron Mike on the Ocean City Boardwalk Tracking Down Iron Mike He stood there in the back...

1917 George Stolle

Return to 1917 in timeline 1917 George Stolle There is not much found about George Stolle. His patent was registered in 1917. He put the design in in 1914. Stolle was a citizen of Kiel Germany.In 1920 he patented another suit with F. Gall.Gall later worked for...

1916 William S. Boyd

Return to 1916 in timeline 1916 William S. Boyd William S Boyd lived in Greatkills Richmond New York in 1916. He patented a new type watertight joint. The improvement against MacDuffee 989530 ‘s invention was a new type of submarine armor especially an...

1915 Harry Bowdoin

Return to 1915 in timeline 1915 Harry Bowdoin Bowdoin, 1915 (U.S.) – Harry L. Bowdoin of Bayonne, N.J., received a patent in 1915 for a new type of oil-filled rotary jointed armored diving suit. The joints had a small duct leading to the interior...

1914 Jean F. Deray

Return to 1914 in timeline 1914 Jean F. Derey Jean F. Deray patented his Divers Suit in 1914.Mr. Deray lived in Sunnyvale Santa Clara USA.He designed a suit he claimed able to dive to 45 meter.In his patent Deray claims the suit was able to be resistant to 80 PSI...

1914 Ernest Niehoff

Return to 1914 in timeline 1914-1918 Ernest Niehoff Ernest Niehoff living in Roanoke Virginia patented his suit in 1914. He called it a diving apparatus that consists of a inner flexible not waterproof metal shell. The apparatus was completed with a helmet and in...

1911 MacDuffee

Return to 1911 in timeline 1911 Chester E. MacDuffee Atmospheric Diving Suit The suit of Chester E. Macduffee is a fantastic suit to see. Although Macduffee patented 4 inventions and pictures of the actual diving suit are still available it is very strange nothing...