Henry D. Deam USA 1921

Henry D. Deam 1921 USA


Henry D. Deam USA 1921 patent 1.377.404

Be it known that I, HENRY D. DEAM, a citizen of the United States, residing at Benton Harbor, in the county of Berrien and  State of Michigan, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Ship-Salvaging Apparatus, of which the following is a specification.

This invention relates to the salvaging of boats and ships, and particularly to the salvaging of ships which are sunk in deep water. An object of the invention is to provide apparatus to be used in attaching the cables or other elevating means to the sunken ship and to provide a method by which the apparatus may be used in an efficient and practicable manner. .Other objects of the invention will be apparent from a consideration of the accompanying drawings and the description thereof.

Of  the accompanying drawings  l is an elevation, partly in section, of a diving suit which embodies features of my invention. Also an enlarged sectional view of the upper portion of the diving suit. Also an enlarged fragmental section of a portion of the suit. Also shown is a central sectional view of a diving bell used in conjunction with the rest of the apparatus and a view, more or less diagrammatic, of the entire yapparatus when used in combination.

‘In case of a ship sunk in deep Awater it is difficult for divers to operate in the vicinity of the ship, partly because of the enormous pressure of the water on the diving suit and hence on the body itself. To avoid this provide a diving suit the walls of which are self sustaining against any pressure that is likely to be encountered by the diver.- In order to provide a ysuitable, wallfor this purpose, which ‘will be suliiciently’A light and yet strong enough for all ordinary pressures.

Diving Bell used for shipsalvaging observation


Mr Deam also patented a system whereby a number of ships were positioned above a wreck. A steam pipe was installed between the ships, making it possible to hoist the ships with steam winches simultaneously. According to his patent, it became possible to salvage sunken ships in this way. I have not been able to find built copies of Deam’s inventions to date. (US Patent 1.398,541)



Therebreathersite was founded by Jan Willem Bech in 1999. After a diving career of many years, he decided to start technical diving in 1999. He immediately noticed that at that time there was almost no website that contained the history of closed breathing systems. The start for the website led to a huge collection that offered about 1,300 pages of information until 2019. In 2019, a fresh start was made with the website now freely available online for everyone. Therebreathersite is a source of information for divers, researchers, technicians and students. I hope you enjoy browsing the content!