by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Passive Addition Oxygen Rebreather PAOR, Homebuilders
John build his own LAR rebreather using parts from RG/UFM and homebuild parts. Intermezzo: John built a rebreather with passive addition. This means that oxygen is added when the counter lung becomes empty. LAR stands for Lungen Automatic Rebreather, which means lung...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Passive Addition Oxygen Rebreather PAOR, Homebuilders
A passive addition oxygen rebreather from Australia A small explanation for those readers who are still unfamiliar with the passive addition system. Most oxygen rebreathers use a constant mass valve or a manually operated system. However, Mike’s rebreather is...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Passive Addition Oxygen Rebreather PAOR, Homebuilders
Convert a Ray and Dolphin to a LAR VI oxygen rebreather Magnus Birkefeld build his LAR VI look-a-like from various parts and rebreathers. The final unit is a masterpiece and well worth to be shown here in the homebuilder section. I asked Magnus to write me his...
by Jan Willem Bech | Homebuilders Passive Addition Oxygen Rebreather PAOR, Homebuilders
A russian donor unit Brian sent me pictures of an IDA 57, a Russian rebreather with the potential to be a donor rebreather for home builders. The unit consists of all the elements needed to build a full MCCR rebreather. There is a CMR valve with manual bypass, a...