Clearance Divers Life Support Equipment build by Divex introduced the New (2007) CDLSE

This article is about the CDLSE and gives an impression of the capabilities of the new Divex rebreather.
Divex kindly permitted to use some of their pictures!

Therebreathersite CDLSE 2

A state-of-the-art compact and highly sophisticated electronically controlled rebreather, the CDLSE is capable of being used in multi-

mission diving profiles. It has been developed utilising modern materials and new technologies. Its extremely low WoB (Work of

Breathing) surpasses international standards, and crucially to mine clearance diving operations, surpasses all NATO non-magnetic

and low acoustic standards.

The CDLSE is an electronic controlled closed circuit rebreather capable to use air as a diluent gas up to 60 meters and Heliox and

Trimix up to 120 meter. The unit is tested for military standards, but also has approval of the EN-14343 and has CE marking.

The unit is tested for the highest requirements regarding magnetic profile and fully meets the requirements of STANAG 2897 Class A.

Oxygen addition is controlled by a 3 cell logic controller that calibrates in 100% Oxygen.

Scrubber performance is 4-6 hours.

Stealth CDLSE is a modular system that can be tailored to suit mission requirements by using a combination of the following


  • Simple harness
  • Bite mouthpiece and half mask
  • Full face mask
  • Buoyancy compensation device with integral weight pockets
  • Open circuit bailout option for both bite mouthpiece and full face mask
  • Full face dual mode mask, permitting breathing  from closed and open circuit gas supply
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Stealth CDLSE System Features:

  • Fully closed circuit electronically controlled constant oxygen partial pressure
  • Extremely low breathing resistance in all body positions
  • The duration of Stealth CDLSE is independent of depth
  • 20 hr re-chargeable external waterproof battery
  • 10 hr re-chargeable emergency internal reserve battery
  • Vacuum sealed electronics unit
  • Water tolerant breathing circuit design reducing the likelihood of a ‘caustic cocktail’
  • Multiple open-circuit bail-out options available
  • Oxygen sensors and electronic circuitry protected from moisture ingress
  • Standard cylinder charging pressures 300 bar
  • A discreet head mounted light sensitive LED indicating equipment status
  • Advanced back-light LCD display module presenting detailed information on the life control system
  • Automatic diluent gas addition allowing hands free operation on descent (ADV)
  • Dual bag counter lung design
  • DIN fittings for high pressure ‘o’ ring seal security
  • Three independent high performance oxygen sensors
  • True oxygen sensor vote out logic to eliminate the input of a faulty oxygen sensor.
  •  Data acquisition ‘black box’ facility.
  • Diver configurable alarm level settings for cylinder pressures, dive time, maximum depth, altitude, ascend rate, language
  • Real time link between the life support system and the surface (Supervisor’s Monitoring Outfit)
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  • Non magnetic hardwire communications system (with helium speech un-scrambler)
  • Non magnetic hand held / mask mounted torch
  • Non magnetic fins
  • Non magnetic mask
  • Non magnetic drysuit
  • Non magnetic drysuit inflation system
  • Non magnetic undersuit
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Dual Mode Mask

The Dual Mode Mask (DMM) is based on the Divator full face mask and incorporates the Divex Changeover

Valve and open circuit Demand Valve enabling the diver to alternate between closed circuit and open circuit

gas supplies such as the autonomous “on-board” bailout system, XBS or the Surface Supplied Gas System

(SSGS). The mask is fitted with a bite mouthpiece, water dump valve and a pressure equaliser. Provision is

made for the fitment of a communications system and the face port has also been modified to accept the

Stealth status LED that is held in a receptacle on the diver’s left side.

External Breathing System

Therebreathersite CDLSE 1

The eXternal Breathing System (XBS) has been

designed for use with Stealth CDLSE to provide an

alternative source of breathing gas in event of an

emergency situation during deep diving operations.

Independant open circuit bailout system

The XBS is used in a similar manner as a “lazy shot” and provides a diver station during decompression. Should

the diver require the use of the SBS, he connects into the system using the integrated quick connection hose and

rotates the Stealth CDLSE full-face Dual Mode Mask (DMM) Change Over Valve to the open circuit position, or

alternatively uses the XBS emergency demand valve.

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Therebreathersite was founded by Jan Willem Bech in 1999. After a diving career of many years, he decided to start technical diving in 1999. He immediately noticed that at that time there was almost no website that contained the history of closed breathing systems. The start for the website led to a huge collection that offered about 1,300 pages of information until 2019. In 2019, a fresh start was made with the website now freely available online for everyone. Therebreathersite is a source of information for divers, researchers, technicians and students. I hope you enjoy browsing the content!