The Rebreathersite
The – renewed – Rebreathersite has a gatering of information on the majority of rebreathers ever built worldwide.
This information has been collected during the last two decades.
Present on this website are databases with the most important types of rebreathers, as well as photoseries, information on historical developments and atmospheric diving suits.
For those divers who start diving with rebreathers there are a great number of pages that have information on the technicalities of rebreathers.
For manufacturers of technical diving equipment: this website offers a platform to place your advertisement.
Therebreathersite is a broad source of information for both technicians, users, students and other interested parties.
I sincerely wish that you enjoy my work. Please leave a message in case you have questions or require information.
Explore the old atmospheric
diving suits build for 1 bar!

Basic information
Know How
Learn about details of rebreather systems. Learn about the basics of oxygen rebreathers, semiclosed rebreathers or closed circuit rebreathers. For the thrue enthousiasts there are pages about ACSC and DCSC systems and also about MCCR principles. If you are new to rebreather diving please start with the ‘What is a rebreather’ page.
Other people already wrote great articles about basics of rebreathers. You will find it here! If you want to contribute to this page please feel free to send information to be added to these pages!
Rebreather technology
What can you find on this website?
This website describes the technique of closed- and halfclosed breathing systems. You will find information about most rebreathers ever made in the world. From 1856 to the present day. There is also a section on homemade systems. Antique atmospheric systems and the latest developments.